Common Guest Blogging Mistakes: What Not to Do


Building a business is like trying to get through a maze while blindfolded. However, since guest blogging is here to guide you, you should worry less. Guest blogging is critical in boosting your brand and helping your business stand out. Through guest blogging, you introduce yourself from a small audience to a broader one. 

Guest blogging can be tricky. Being knowledgeable about the essential steps to undertake is crucial. Pitfalls and mistakes are preventing you from achieving your desired results for the business. We are here to guide you through the most common missteps and help you make the most out of your guest blogging campaign. When done correctly, guest blogging is effective towards your overall SEO strategy in Adelaide.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Guest Posting for Your Business

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Guest Posting for Your Business

1. Writing about your business

Have you gotten a guest posting opportunity on a great site? If yes, don’t blow it by writing a blog post about your business, product or service. Usually, the blog owner will not accept your post in the first place. This is because their readers are not interested in reading an ad or promotional post, and mostly, they will not be happy using their platform for their purpose. Where your post makes it to the blog, it will likely receive fewer views, shares or links. 

2. Not linking back to your website

SEO is not the main reason for your guest blogging efforts. However, including a link for your site is crucial. Lacking links means readers cannot get you or read more about your content. It is good to note that sites may not allow links within the body of your post. However, most sites curating content will let you include a link in your author bio. This can be essential in generating referral traffic and leads. If you can use links within your content, provide additional resources for the readers about your topic. 

3. Not including an enticing offer

When the goal of your guest blogging is brand recognition, having an offer in your author bio is unnecessary. The bio should briefly introduce yourself, your business, and a link to your homepage. On the other hand, if your goal is lead generation, including a free offer in your bio is recommended. The offer you provide should relate directly to the topic of your guest post. 

4. Writing for a site that won’t send targeted traffic

Everybody wants to write for a popular and high-traffic site. Many website owners believe all traffic is equal and that a site with high traffic is better than one with less traffic. It is good to consider the quality and relevance of the traffic. A website with a loyal and responsive audience is better than one covering various unrelated topics. Loyal and responsive traffic will likely engage with you one-on-one and be interested in your offer. 

5. Using it solely to get inbound links

Google maintains that guest blogging for just links is not okay. Using it for links is what made guest blogging spammy. It would be best to focus on guest blogging efforts to build interesting content for the readers and an awareness of your business. By creating information for the readers, your efforts will naturally generate valuable traffic and leads. 

6. Not having great content for your site

You can generate referral traffic to your site by having a site in your author bio. However, what people find there after arriving at your site is very important. The content should be valuable, solidifying your reputation as an expert. Professionals recommend creating high-quality blog posts to showcase your writing skills and knowledge to potential sites. 

7. Contributing low-quality posts

When you are guest blogging, it is sometimes tempting to contribute sub-par content. To some website owners, the notion is that guest blogging is a tool for getting people to you and hence, content doesn’t need to be as good as your regular writing. This is a disadvantage to you because the blog owner will not promote poor-quality posts to their audience. In addition, those who read your post may not click through to your website.

Common Guest Blogging Mistakes Conclusion

Final Thoughts

Undoubtedly, guest blogging plays a great role in boosting your SEO efforts. Avoiding the highlighted common mistake can go a long way in boosting your online marketing campaign.

Professionals understand the importance of your content’s relevance and prefer quality over quantity. As such, hiring one can be of great benefit to your business. At Marketing, we can help you maximise the benefits of guest blogging and ensure you achieve your desired long-term results. Contact us today for more information. 

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